
This unit has shown me that my strengths are in pattern making and exploration into surface texture.  I have learnt that my practice works in its own right as a fine art based context through careful assemblage and composition of my artefacts and drawings I learnt this through actually displaying my work in this way in the exhibition; service wash. Through my own contextual research I also learnt that my work could fit another context in the field of fashion or trend inspiration as the work I make photographs well and could be used in an editorial sense. Working on paper has liberated me and enabled me to work faster, produce more and be more ambitious.  Before this project I had never used In design, this was a challenge that I overcame through trial and error. I feel that my skills with regard to photography have become much stronger yet I am disappointed that this project has little work on fabric. I do however feel that when I later make the transition back to fabric that I will be far more willing to take risks and as I have been continuously experimental throughout this project.
My portfolio showcases my abilities to experiment with different Medias and materials. It also shows an ability to use colour and pattern and could be viewed as a portfolio with the intention of being sold as inspiration in order to be used for prints for fashion.  I have I also included photographs of some of my more 3 dimensional work due to them being difficult to mount or assemble at interview, these also could be used as inspiration for fashion or trend.  However if somebody were to contact me with a mind to exhibit my work I think it more likely that they would get in touch with me through my website or I would refer them to my website if I was interested in working with them.  
I have found collaboration throughout this project a positive experience and perhaps a good representation of how it would work after I finish my degree. As throughout this project I have exhibited my work in two shows and post university I will hopefully work in this way; working with others to show work.
For the upcoming degree show I plan to show my work through an assemblage of drawings objects and artefacts displayed on the walls and the floor. I feel that it will be important for me to somehow showcase by book as a way of giving the audience that view my work a bit of extra context for my work and for them to see how it could be used in the future.

When I leave university I plan continue with my practice and continue to build my portfolio as I would like to use the drawings and objects I have made as an archive from which to work onto fabric as well as showcase them as works in their own right to take them to interview in order to qualify for an internship so that I can gain experience and learn more about my practice. 

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