1. How can I relate blue sky thinking to individual
An open mind will always lead to new avenues, if you use your natural curiosity to explore ideas this can lead to a constant sours of ideas and inspiration. Ones mind may be opened when introduced to new ways of working therefore working collaboratively with other practices can open up individual practice.
2. What is the definition of Blue Sky Thinking?
Anarchy in the best sense of the word. Uninhibited
thinking without a structure, beginning or end; blue sky thinking can start and end spontaneously
and can go off on limitless tangents. There is no way to mediate origins of blue sky thinking, can
stem from anywhere, other people's blue sky thinking etc, therefore it can be unintentionally
collaborative. "The unexpected that turns creative thinking into Blue Sky thinking".
3. How can you work as a collective whilst still maintaining own practice?
-Respect and understanding.
-Have an opinion and express it.
-Expressing opinions rather than just going along with the collective.
-Be flexible.
4. What tools and methods can be used for Blue Sky Thinking?
-Teambuilding - Regular communication!
-social networking - connectivity, news feeds, feedback
-suggestion games e.g. roleplaying hat game - mr. nasty, mr. optimism, mr. pessimism etc.
-comfort/discomfort / simplicity
-key starting words for checkpointing e.g ordered, emotive…
-explore different disciplines
-Archiving and documenting ideas
5. Are adverse and unfamiliar conditions
conducive to Blue Sky Thinking?
I feel that this question was answered through the 'unconference' being held in the unusual setting of Hilton House. I think the the discussion was aided through the use of an unfamiliar setting. If the meeting had been held within the everyday setting of the studio perhaps we would have felt to at ease and not have opened our minds to the questions we did.
A point made that i found very interesting was the influence war had had on development and society, often war has lead to innovative ideas and cause a grater sense of community in times of austerity.
6. How does Blue Sky Thinking affect the world?
-Sustainability, materials, recycling.
-High fashion - It can be more than just visual
-the evolution of a product.
-Change and progression Transformation.
-Revolution of ideas.
-Beyond limitations.
-At what point does the real world start paying attention?
-What is needed and what is wanted?
-Creating something meaning full, making things that last a life time.
-Help bring awareness to the world
-change mood and perception, atmosphere and emotion.
-The ordinary enhanced.
-3d printing, advanced technology. Is it a good thing?
7. How can we communicate Blue Sky Thinking to a general audience?
-Compromise on your ideas make it general so others can understand.
-But do you need to communicate it?
-It is a process that gradually happens.
-Organic or free.
-Educating people
8. How important are practical outcomes in the real world?
I was decided that this question couldn't be answered as at this stage any practical outcome of blue sky thinking would impose limitations.
9. What obstacles are there to Blue Sky Thinking?
-'The sky is the limit' - however we think of rational aspects eg. money, time
-The lack of confidence in a group, inequality within groups
-Ideas that run on for too long and get exhausted
-The nay-sayers, oppositions towards work and external un-flexability
-The idea of having infinite ideas can lead to not having an idea at all, being too daunting
-Knowing when to stop and reflect
-Should we follow trends or set trends, does it matter? Is it a good thing?
-'What are the obstacles to the blue sky experience?'
10. Can we measure Blue Sky Thinking in terms of success and failure?
-is success BST ever measurable?
-Can BST ever fail?
- If it's realistic, is it blue sky thinking
-Once an idea has been realized is it therefore a product of BST?
-Does BST and realism cancel each other out?
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