I have been gradually collecting small books and magazines as research on layout for the book I plan to make. I am making this book for the purpose of making my work into inspiration for fashion if it was used in this way it would more than likely be displayed in layouts that utilize good photography, carefull presentation and attention to detail. These are all skills I am learning as I go along through practicing my photography and careful research as a way of creating my own style for my book. I find that I like that way artists books look, perhaps this is due to
me coming from a makers point of view and so see my work as being more about
the ‘art’ or the artifacts and the result of the making process than the trend
and concept. A piece of research that particularly stood out was a spread in a magazine curated by Iris Van Herpan, the piece was on found objects and how they documented the places they were from. The photographs of said objects were each spaced well apart, this space gave the layout an archive/ documentation feel. This is a style I may consider for my book and photography.
Books- dead ends, Sol Lewitts artists book and a magazine curated by iris van Herpen |
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