drawing and growing

I wanted to emulate a sense of growth through the drawings I was making. I did my own first hand research by growing my own crystals. I thought that the layers that came through from the differing  speeds of evaporation in the salt solution could translate well onto paper. I began to convey this sense of growth through standing rolls of paper in diluted Quink ink, the colour of the ink when applied would be blue and would later change to a peach colour and and yellow. I used oil clear oil bar as this would also spread and grow. For the bottom drawing I wanted to build a surface that has relief, I used a thick layer of graphite stick which was opaque in contrast to the the translucent tracing paper, and shinny in contrast to the mate rolls of paper slotted into the sheet of paper. 

Anne-Kristin Able, Props for Colour and material shoot, http://annkristinabel.com/viewpoint-no-30-the-surface/
This is a piece by Anne-Kristin  Able an editorial piece done for the magazine viewpoint in a feature that wanted to celebrate the unpredictability of  of natural growth and forms. Able was commissioned to make these peaces as props that explored colour and materials. The piece has an interesting rough texture and an organic shape. 

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